Ok so here is my second attempt at this blog thing...
So Psalm 139:13-14 says " For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well"
Growing up with my Nan in me life she loved to knit and I can remember countless hours just sitting there watching her knit... She would pick out the wool, get it all ready, pick out the pattern, and then start knitting.
Nan would just sit there rocking or humming hymns or as we called it deedling but all along she had always a smile on her face.
Now the reason I think about this is I think of God doing the same thing as he formed each and every one of us in our mothers womb. He picked the DNA all the atoms and molecules that would make us up- the wool. Then I can just picture God picking out the pattern the pattern for our lives. How every stitch He made would serve a purpose... Would we become cardigans to keep someone warm in the cold, or booties or a scarf... Whatever it is that God has set as a pattern for your life it has meaning.
My Nan knew when she started knitting what that lump of wool would be when it was finished... The Bible talks about Jesus being the author and the finisher... God knows He knew when He was forming you in your mothers womb this is so amazing to me... To think on this that God knows every detail of my life all my hurts, all my happiness and joys everything... AMAZING GOD!
verse 14 says ' I praise you!' Lord I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
Now I think back to when my Nan would be knitting and singing... God did this when He formed you He smiled He loves you he knew He would send His son to die for you so you could one day be with Him.
I have held to this Psalm so tightly at times when I was trying to figure out how or why Pierce was born with his cleft lip/palate and then Phin and his kidney problems and then finally when Pierce was diagnosed with autism... Did God slip a stitch or was He looking the other way when these things happened? MOST CERTAINLY NOT!
He purposed them they were part of the pattern that He had originally picked out.
If you go on in Psalm 139 vs 16 says "Your eyes saw my unformed substance (ball of wool lol) ; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."
To know that God did this all on purpose gives me great comfort... strange I know but it does because that gives me an answer and something to look forward to... I can look at my situation as can you and say ok what was I supposed to be? All along knowing this was no cosmic mistake or something we did wrong, God is not punishing us. He did it on purpose! All of the things we have gone through with our boys have grown us in ways I don't know i ever would of if they were not born like they were... I'm finding out my pattern, you should look for yours is it a cardigan, scarf, booties or whatever it is...
Find it praise God for it and live in it all along trusting in Him knowing He knows all about your days...
Chez, you make me smile. I love you analogy. Good word, hon.
True story.. And He uses all of our differences & situations for His glory ;0) We don't always understand but we just need to trust that He knows what He is doing. Embracing every lesson He brings our way ;0) Thanx for the reminder.. & your boys are awesome PG cuz they were indeed fearfully & wonderfully made :-D